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You Can Be a Hero Book

You Can Be a Hero is about a revolution of love.

It’s God’s love that has the power to change the world. You can join the revolution as you experience God’s love and share it with others. That makes you a hero!!

The world needs who you were made to be.


“...God's love shines through in this simple, yet powerful book for kids. As kids learn the many ways they can use their unique gifts, they will begin to understand the power they have to bring change to their neighborhood.”

Jay Pathak
Vineyard USA National Director ‘22-’27
Author, The Art of Neighboring


About the Artists

Meet the team behind the book!


Meet the Author

Becky Olmstead has been influential in putting words to a God-dream for the next generation, and has given her life to the cause of making Jesus known on the earth. Her heart beats for seeing a generation of kids ignited with the love and power of God like never before.

Meet the Manager

Karen George is the brains behind this whole operation. Her passion for kids and her love for creativity has made her the driving force behind the vision for this book. She believes kids can be heroes!

Meet the Graphics Guru

Meagan Bateman uses her keen eye for design and her attention to detail to create graphics for kids! She has prepped, edited, and printed this book and made the vision a reality!

Meet the Illustrator

Camille Paradis is the genius behind all of the drawings you see in this book! She is unstoppable with a pen and pencil! She loves all that kids can do and is excited to share You Can Be A Hero with all of you!
